The Rebirth Of Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu In NEPA

1383064_449203421856174_1774737440_nHow street ready are you, Scranton, Pennsylvania? With so much confusion and debate surrounding the issue of “what is Jiu Jitsu?” it is time to have a very real discussion about the fundamental differences between Gracie Jiu-Jitsu and sport jiu-jitsu. By no means, is this blog meant to demean or discredit any jiu-jitsu instructors or the arena of competition jiu-jitsu. Instead, it is meant serve as a reminder to students and instructors across NEPA as to why jiu-jitsu became the most respected martial art on the planet!

In simplest terms it must first be very clear that Gracie Jiu-Jitsu isn’t defined by a set number of techniques neatly illustrated in a book. Instead Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is at it’s core defined by the universal principle of distance management. Without understanding and mastering this concept the techniques you practice and add to your arsenal are the equivalent of bullets without a gun. Without an intimate working knowledge of distance management you stand little chance of defeating, let alone surviving, the aggressive onslaught of a larger opponent in a real Scranton fight.

Don’t wait until AFTER the fight to learn Gracie Jiu Jitsu,be prepared BEFORE the fight with Gracie Jiu Jitsu! Click here to begin your personal transformation at Scranton, Pa’s best Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu learning grounds!

About The Author:

Jeff Reese, Gracie Jiu-jitsu black belt, has had the honor of learning from two generations of Gracie family members including Royce, Royler, Rodrigo, Rolker, Ralek, Rener, and Ryron; he teaches at Gracie NEPA in Scranton, PA.

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