Guard Passing Theory Spotlight

passWhile all of the drills and guard passes we have been learning this past month are great, to become a skillful guard passer you do NOT need a hundred different passes! Instead focus your energy on mastering just two or three passes that fall into each of the guard passing ‘categories’; over, under, around. By doing this you will be able to use combinations of those passes which you are most proficient with and have them SUPERCHARGED by the muscle memory condition you have gained from the drills.

By now you should also be starting to realize that a capable guard passer stays on his toes! Just like any athlete, whether boxer or ping pong player, being on your toes increase your mobility and ability to react to an opponent’s actions. Choreographed footwork is critical to your success of passing! An added bonus of being on your toes is that you gain the added benefit of pressuring your opponent with your weight. Like Kevin says, ‘preeeeessssure!’

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About The Author:

Jeff Reese, Gracie Jiu-jitsu black belt, has had the honor of learning from two generations of Gracie family members including Royce, Royler, Rodrigo, Rolker, Ralek, Rener, and Ryron; he teaches at Gracie NEPA in Scranton, PA.

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