Concept Based Learning For Better Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

conceptsThe Jiu-jitsu world is changing. Jiu-jitsu knowledge is changing. Therefore the ability to view our world with a more flexible mind is becoming an invaluable skill. A modern day student, practitioner, and instructor of jiu-jitsu must be plugged-in to the much broader world view of what jiu-jitsu is. No longer is simply amassing a catalogue of techniques enough. The day of the ‘technique hoarder’ is fast become obsolete. A modern day jiu-jitsu practitioner must learn and develop big transferable ideas that transcend time, place, and situations.  This is where ‘concept based learning’ empowers a student of jiu-jitsu.

What is Concept-based Learning?

Techniques just focus on the ‘facts’ whereas Concepts focus on making sense of those facts in relation to the world around us.

Example Of Jiu-Jitsu Techniques:

Trap and Role Escape
Americana Armlock
Rear Naked Choke
Leg Hook Takedown
Straight Armlock
Triangle Choke
Elevator Sweep
Elbow Escape (Mount)
Body Fold Takedown
Double Leg Takedown
Double Ankle Sweep
Guillotine Choke
Shrimp Escape
Kimura Armlock
Hook Sweep
Rear Take down
Double Underhook Guard Pass

Technique based curriculum may never get beyond the information broadcast of cursory learning. Concepts based curriculums enable a practitioner of jiu-jitsu to organize and make sense of technique in addition to solving a problem in time, place, or situation when they do not have a technique applicable to the moment!

Examples of Jiu-Jitsu Concepts:

Distance Management
Energy Input/Output
Weight Transfer

Essentially we need to accept the fact that no matter how long we train we can’t possibly learn and retain every technique that is important. We can however train our brains and master the ‘big ideas’ that govern the functionality of jiu-jitsu. Concept based learning is a framework to study technique, in essence a frame for a painting. Just as you can change a painting within a frame so too can you change technique within a concept. To say it another way, concepts are universal, techniques are narrow.  Information is useless unless you can do something with it!

Don’t wait until AFTER the fight to learn Gracie Jiu Jitsu,be prepared BEFORE the fight with Gracie Jiu Jitsu! Click here to begin your personal transformation at Scranton, Pa’s best Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu learning grounds!

About The Author:

Jeff Reese, Gracie Jiu-jitsu black belt, has had the honor of learning from two generations of Gracie family members including Royce, Royler, Rodrigo, Rolker, Ralek, Rener, and Ryron; he teaches at Gracie NEPA in Scranton, PA.

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