Law Enforcement Program

Learning to defend yourself isn’t your responsibility; it is your reality!

This course is based on the teachings of the G.R.A.C.I.E. law enforcement program but has added to and re-designed by Coach Reese with input from Pennsylvania finest law enforcement men and women. The techniques in this course are from the Gracie Brazilian jiu-jitsu arsenal and have selected for their simplicity and human application and carefully arranged into an overall strategy that stresses officer safety, street effectiveness, and securing a criminal resistor in handcuffs. Any officer of any size can learn and apply these techniques easily.

AdoptACopPatchWe are a proud affiliate of Adopt A Cop!  Adopt a Cop BJJ is a nonprofit, donation based program that allows active duty patrolling police officer’s around the country to train at any Adopt a Cop BJJ affiliated academy and we will pay 100% of the officer’s membership until they reach the rank of Blue belt. Blue belt is the second ranked belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and on average it takes around 12 to 18 months to obtain. Most individuals with a blue belt level of knowledge have an immense advantage in controlling a combative situation over someone who has no knowledge or experience in grappling regardless of size, strength or even gender to an extent. Learn more here


What Can You Expect To Learn?

  • The techniques presented in the program are designed to be effective for any military or law enforcement professional regardless of age, gender, size, or athletic ability!  All the techniques in the program are based entirely on leverage, timing, and technique so that they can be successfully applied by any officer against a larger, stronger, non compliant subject in the field.  Most other defensive tactics programs rely on the strength, speed, and coordination of the user.
  • Just one allegation of excessive force can undermine a law enforcement agent’s career. All the techniques in the course are specifically designed to be maximally effective, while at the same time minimally injurious to the subject on whom they are being applied.
  • There are many martial arts techniques that are perfectly applicable and highly effective when wearing normal street clothes, but are totally useless when applied by someone who is wearing restrictive body armor or bulky equipment. Every technique in the program is thoroughly tested to make sure that it can be applied in tactical gear.
  • Our program is a “living” curriculum that is constantly evolving to meet the needs of those whose lives depend on it. Over the years we’ve received feedback from professional that have used the techniques in the field! With such input we’ve been able to modify, adapt, and, on some occasions, add new techniques to the program, so that it continues to serve as the most cutting-edge defensive tactics program in the community today.

What are you waiting for? Take the first step towards achieving your goals by getting started on your 14 day free trial: Call (570) 383-6300 or click on the 14 day trial and a consultant will help you get started.