Why Should A Child Train Jiu-Jitsu?

934999_530998493602285_1133398277_nWith so many different martial art styles available in Scranton, it can be hard for a parent to understand the differences between styles when trying to choose what would be best for your child. Here are just a few of the hundreds of reasons why Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the safest and most appropriate martial art form for your children.

#1 . Jiu-jitsu is a non-violent yet extremely effective and complete self-defense system. Many parents want their child to learn a martial art in order to defend against bullies or dangerous strangers. Having a safe, effective, and fundamentally complete system of self-defense is key to children feeling confident about defending themselves when necessary. Jiu-jitsu is based completely in the physics of leverage and therefore requires no strength or athletic prowess. Jiu-jitsu technique actually evens the playing field for the smaller child.

#2. There is no kicking or punching involved in Jiu-jitsu! Unlike so many other martial arts that encourage hitting as a means of fighting back Jiu-jitsu actually discourages it. Striking techniques often demand a level of athleticism, strength, coordination, and maturity that many children have not yet developed or are unable to control. This lack of underdevelopment or control can lead to unintentional but severe harming of another child if misused.

#3. Jiu-jitsu is an art based on natural body mechanics and through training children gain an increased awareness of self. Children learn quickly that through Jiu-jitsu a heightened sense of body awareness and coordination, which leads to self-confidence and inner discipline. Not only do children learn how to effectively defend themselves, but also strengthen their kinesthetic and mental abilities to excel in any other sport or activity they participate. Jiu-jitsu helps improve all area’s of life.

There are many other benefits to starting your child in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Watch your child grow and flourish in:

Physical Fitness & Body Awareness

Coordination & Balance

Discipline & Control

Teamwork & Sportsmanship

Focus & Will

Confidence & Self Esteem

Leadership & Cooperation

Get your child started today! 

About The Author:

Jeff Reese, Gracie Jiu-jitsu black belt, has had the honor of learning from two generations of Gracie family members including Royce, Royler, Rodrigo, Rolker, Ralek, Rener, and Ryron; he teaches at Gracie NEPA in Scranton, PA.


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