Kids! Help Your Classmates

Stop-bullying-stop-bullying-23173222-1810-2560Help the target being bullied get away from the situation! There is one very simple and safe way that children can help the child being bullied get away.  Create a distraction. If the bully isn’t rewarded with the attention they are seeking the bullying may stop ~ offer a way for the target being bullied to leave the area. Something as simple as walking over and saying something like, “Principal Jones needs to see you right away”, or, “Come on, we need another player for our game.”

It is important to remind children to use words and brains to create the distraction ~ violence should never be the first resort to help the victim get away. Also children should never hesitate to seek immediate help from a trusted adult if the bullying does become violent. Let’s look at a few examples.

  1. You notice that someone’s being picked on, they have been backed against the lockers.  The child is clearly hearing things they don’t want to hear from the bully. Helping out could be as simple as going up to them and saying, “Hey, where’s your next class?  Let’s walk together.”
  2. A group of fourth graders are playing on the playground and you notice someone getting pushed around. A safe way to create a distraction is just to shout, “Hey come over here. We’re having a contest over.”  Do it in a o the victim. If you call out the bully’s behavior things might get difficult ~ they might view your actions as a challenge and turn their attention to you or become violent with the victim. Focus on the victim being targeted. Get them away in a inventive way.  Come up with your own ideas ~ but make sure not to put yourselves in any danger.

Remember, at the core, a bully is somebody who needs to feel powerful and in control. So keep the distraction simple and vague so that in the moment no one is “losing face” – not the victim, not the bully, and not the child standing up against the bullying.

About The Author:

Jeff Reese, Gracie Jiu-jitsu black belt, has had the honor of learning from two generations of Gracie family members including Royce, Royler, Rodrigo, Rolker, Ralek, Rener, and Ryron; he teaches at Gracie NEPA in Scranton, PA.

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  1. Kids! Help Your Classmates | NEPA’s Source For Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

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