Why Should A Woman Train Jiu-Jitsu?

megThe most obvious answer to this question is ‘because jiu-jitsu is the most effective form of self-defense on the planet!’ But that then begs the question ‘why is jiu-jitsu the most effective form of self defense on the planet?’ Well Jiu-jitsu, and more specifically Gracie jiu-jitsu is a martial art system based on the physics of leverage. The techniques that make up Gracie jiu-jitsu are designed to allow for the smaller, weaker, opponent to overcome a much larger, stronger opponent. If we allow for the generalization that most women are physically weaker than a man then jiu-jitsu was tailor made for a woman who wants to protect her against assault, predation, or abuse!

Self defense is of course the number one reason for women to train jiu-jitsu but there are added benefits for a woman to make jiu-jitsu a part of her life! Here are just a few of the benefits woman have expressed:

*Women who train jiu-jitsu develop a higher level of confidence not only in regards to self defense but in everyday situations as well.  Jiu-jitsu teaches you that, with proper technique and strategy, any difficult or uncomfortable situations can be overcome!

*Jiu-jitsu relieves stress! And let’s face it ladies between working a job, upkeep of the home, raising the children, going to school, and everything else life throws your way, you have stress! Jiu-jitsu is not only fun, but it is also a physical and mental exercise that melts away the stress of even the most hectic day!

*Let’s face it, women are social creatures! Women love community and family and friends and there are few larger communities than the jiu-jitsu community!  Through training you develop tight knit bonds with your instructors and peers, bonds which translate into lifelong friendships!

* And last but not least, ladies, if you want to ‘hold back the hands of time’ there is no workout in the gym that can come close to replicating the total body transformation of training jiu-jitsu! Are you seeking weight loss, slimmer core, improved posture, lean muscle, and ‘that butt you had 10 years ago’? then jiu-jitsu is for you!


Don’t wait until AFTER the fight to learn Gracie Jiu Jitsu,be prepared BEFORE the fight with Gracie Jiu Jitsu! Click here to begin your personal transformation at Scranton, Pa’s best Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu learning grounds!

About The Author:

Jeff Reese, Gracie Jiu-jitsu black belt, has had the honor of learning from two generations of Gracie family members including Royce, Royler, Rodrigo, Rolker, Ralek, Rener, and Ryron; he teaches at Gracie NEPA in Scranton, PA.

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Posted in Women's Blog!
One comment on “Why Should A Woman Train Jiu-Jitsu?
  1. Megan Post says:

    Training at the Gracie Nepa academy with Jeff and all of the great men and women who go there to learn this amazing art, is the single best opportunity that I have had to date. It helped me redefine myself. I had a passion inside of me that was budding in the world of Personal training and over all health and most importantly as a Woman and a MOM and Jeff gave a goal and a chance… I have since earned and I do mean earned my first stripe on my belt and I wear it with extreme PRIDE. Accomplishment… and I have made friends with a group of Men that don’t treat me like an outsider because I have different equipment. I am encouraging any and all Women to at least Try it come down and see what it is like get to know the guys and Myself… you will be happy you did.

    Without a driving force and a chance I would have like so many other times given up on my Goal.. and went back to just doing what needed to be done.. Go to work, come home and be mom… Nothing for me. Nothing that I could feel was mine just giving to everyone else. Jiu-Jitsu gave that to me. It brought out drive and confidence I didn’t know I had.

    I was anti-social I didn’t like the thought of anyone getting too close to me… and in Jiu-Jitsu you have no choice but to be close and get closer… It helped me in all other areas of my life!~

    It is hard and first and it never gets easier, it never does.. Jiu-Jitsu is LIFE… It doesn’t get easier YOU JUST GET BETTER. I am 31 years old and I feel and look better than when I was 20 because YOU get what YOU put in. It is a world like no other no gimmicks, no FADS, just soul. I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

    Big thanks to Jeff, Chuck, Kevin, Ty, and everyone else involved that makes Gracie NEPA my home away from home!

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