Patience Is Key To BJJ Progression

‘Have patience with all things, but, first of all yourself.’ Those are the words of Saint Francis de Sales, whom surely wasn’t a jiu-jitsu practitioner but clearly understood the importance of patience. Patience is among the key attributes anyone needs in order to become skilled in the art of Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

patience-learn-you-mustIn life there are a great many things that provide immediate satisfaction; jiu-jitsu however is NOT one of them! Once you have decided to embark upon your jiu-jitsu journey you are committing to an arduous course which requires you to trust in the process of learning a new craft. It takes time to learn the proper application of leverage required for the techniques of jiu-jitsu, so be patient. It takes time to learn how to control your breathing and conserve your energy during a sparring session, so be patient.  You will struggle with positions and technique. You will be the ‘low man on the totem pole’ and be tapped out every training session. You will at times feel as though you are not getting any better, that progress on the mats is eluding you. Be patient. Had Saint Francis de Sales been a practitioner of BJJ perhaps he instead would have said, ‘‘Have patience with all things, but, first of all your jiu-jitsu.’

About the Author:

Jeff Reese, Gracie Jiu-jitsu black belt, has had the honor of learning from two generations of Gracie family members including Royce, Royler, Rodrigo, Rolker, Ralek, Rener, and Ryron; he teaches at Gracie NEPA in Scranton, PA.


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